Freedom of Contract in Vietnam

If you read last week's blog post, here, about bankruptcy in Vietnam you might have picked up on the possibility of further discussions of the issue in relation to the court's actual behavior in the bankruptcy process. However, that is not going to happen--at least not this week--due to technical difficulties. (My Ubuntu OS won't [...]

By |2020-09-14T14:21:49+07:00September 14th, 2020|Contract Law, General|Comments Off on Freedom of Contract in Vietnam

A Personal Economic History on Vietnam’s Reunification Day

Reunification Day in Vietnam. Forty-five years ago today the helicopter lifted from the roof of the American embassy, the tanks rolled down what became Le Duan Street, and the Vietnam War officially came to an end. For the United States this ushered in nearly half a century of recriminations, regrets, and disbelief. For Vietnam a [...]

By |2020-04-30T09:17:05+07:00April 30th, 2020|Corporate and commercial, General, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on A Personal Economic History on Vietnam’s Reunification Day

Vietnam Issues Fake News Rules Amidst Covid-19 Battle

Last Friday Indochine Counsel issued a Special Alert concerning the recent issuance of a decree guiding enforcement efforts to limit "fake news" in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. With some slight formatting differences, the below reproduces that alert for your reference.   On 3 February 2020, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 15/2020/ND-CP on [...]

By |2020-04-20T12:46:13+07:00April 20th, 2020|General, Legal News, Publications, Technology and Media|Comments Off on Vietnam Issues Fake News Rules Amidst Covid-19 Battle

In Recognition of International Women’s Day – Women in Law in Vietnam

In Vietnam, the women rule, at least as far as demographics are concerned. According to the last census, there are 48,327,923 women, enough to comprise 50.2% of the population. Nearly 88% of the population aged between 25-59 participated in the labor force. A slightly different statistic from The Economist states that “some 79% of women [...]

By |2020-03-10T11:52:58+07:00March 10th, 2020|Employment, General, Indochine Counsel News, Legal News|Comments Off on In Recognition of International Women’s Day – Women in Law in Vietnam

Ten Years in Indochine

Ten years ago tomorrow I started my first day working for Indochine Counsel. I was a year out of law school, having spent six months finishing the qualifying requirements for the California Bar Association and then six months trying to find work in the middle of the Great Recession. The future seemed bleak but then [...]

By |2019-09-30T10:45:16+07:00September 30th, 2019|General, Indochine Counsel News, Publications|Comments Off on Ten Years in Indochine

Independence Day

Hello all. This most recent Monday was September 2, 2019, the 74th anniversary of Vietnam's Independence Day. At the end of World War II, on the same day that the Japanese surrendered to the American troops in Japan, Ho Chi Minh stood on a pedestal in Hanoi and read the Declaration of Independence which he [...]

By |2019-09-05T09:07:57+07:00September 5th, 2019|constitutional, General|Comments Off on Independence Day

In Laos

I try not to let my personal life interfere with this blog too much, though I do on occasion tell personal stories. I'm currently sitting in Laos Plaza Hotel in Vientiane, Laos, and wondering at the difference between Vietnam and Laos. While there is indeed some new construction here in Vientiane, it is nothing like [...]

By |2019-08-26T15:45:08+07:00August 26th, 2019|General, International Trade, Inward Investment|Comments Off on In Laos

Report from INTA in Boston

I spent last week in Boston where I attended, with our managing partner Dang The Duc, the International Trademark Association's (INTA) annual meeting. It was a fast paced round of networking and meeting, with over 11,000 attendees. A very large conference. Crazy, really. It started with a long flight from Vietnam to Japan, where a [...]

By |2019-05-28T08:20:22+07:00May 28th, 2019|Business News, Events-Seminars, General, Indochine Counsel News, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Report from INTA in Boston

Happy Five Day Weekend

Happy Reunification Day. Happy May Day. And Happy bridge holiday, which is today, which makes for a five day weekend, something unheard of in the United States. Forty-four years ago tomorrow tanks rolled down the streets of Saigon and the north and the south were reunited after decades of division under the French and then [...]

By |2019-04-29T14:40:37+07:00April 29th, 2019|Employment, General|Comments Off on Happy Five Day Weekend
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